Within the project “Equality through difference. Roma women’s access to the labor market“, Foundation Desire among others had the responsability for producing a film.
Images were taken at several project activities and at the sites of researches, so the three parts of the film produced during three years could reflect the opinions and activities of both the project team and of people whom the project addressed. Films are available at:
Un proiect pentru dreptate socială (A project for social justice), 2009
Luptând pentru demnitate (Striving for dignity), 2010
Prin stimă de sine, pentru schimbare (Towards change through self-esteem), 2011
Video advocacy
I am Roma, I want to live in dignity, street protest, videoclip, 19 ianuarie 2011, Cluj, by Ildikó Plájás
Roma pushed to the margins, street manifestation, videoclip, 17 December 2012, Cluj, by Tibor Schneider
World Day of Environment, street performance, 5 June 2013, Cluj, by Tibor Schneider
Dislocations – Eviction routes to Cantonului street (1996-2016) – English subtitle, 2016
Video testimonials and solidarity messages “Roma are not garbage”, 2016
Pata rămâne a tuturor – expo film 17.12.2016
Pata rămâne a tuturor/ The stain lingers on – film of the 17.12.2016 event