Activism (2000-2010/2011)

Since its establishment Foundation Desire initiated several actions and it participated on many manifestations organized by others promoting the ideals of an inclusive society that assures equality, dignity and recognition to all women and men regardless of their ethnicity, social status, age or sexual orientation, and provides conditions in which they de facto ca practice their human rights (including civic, political, cultural and socio-economic rights).

jologoActions of Desire Foundation are mostly focusing on the empowerment of the most disadvantaged and marginalized who are subjected to multiple and intersectional discrimination and inequalities, such as Roma women and/ or Roma living in poverty. These actions are informed by feminist and human-rights based perspectives and as well as by the principles of an inclusive and just society. By case they are focusing on combating nationalism, racism, sexism and other manifestations of oppressive power regimes.    

Actions for women’ rights 2000-2007

Reconsidering the 8th of March, 2000

Alongside several non-governmental organizations from Cluj (Artemis Centre, the Centre for Gender Studies, the French Cultural Centre and Tranzit Foundation) we initiated the celebration of the International Women’s Day. The program included a roundtable discussion (“Feminist movements from an East European perspective”), a day-long public event entitled “Women for Equal Opportunities” (that involved fifteen NGOs), the first meeting of an academic seminar called “Seminar for Feminist Research”, programs on local radios, and the first meeting of the program “Dialog for the development of a gender perspective”. RETHINKING the 8th of MARCH

Dialog for the Development of a Gender Perspective, 2000

The program was run with the support of the Soros Foundation for an Open Society, Romania. The six month long project involved a group of students from different universities of Cluj, a group of faculty from Babes-BolyaiUniversity and some women who made carrier on different public domains in our city.

Another March, 2001

A two-day long program organized to celebrate International Women’s Day. A public event at Tranzit House from Cluj, including talk show on “Women’s Role in Transgressing Ethnic Boundaries”, a roundtable discussion on “Representations of Female Bodies”, two artistic exhibitions, and film screening. With the support of the Foundation Pro Helvetia – Bucuresti Antenna, of the Resource Centre for Ethno-Cultural Diversity from Cluj, the French Cultural Centre from Cluj, and the Tranzit Foundation from the same city. Publishing the brochure “Another March”. martie_2001


Female Presences, 2002

A two-day long program organized to celebrate International Women’s Day at Tranzit House from Cluj, including public lectures on “Women’s Movement/ Women’s Day – East and West”, a roundtable discussion on “Women in Politics”, a workshop on “Partnership against Discrimination”, and several artistic programs. With the support of the Foundation Pro Helvetia – Bucuresti Antenna, of the French Cultural Centre, the Finnish Cultural Centre “Sindan”, and the Tranzit Foundation from Cluj. martie_2002

Women’s Work, 2003

Celebrating International Women’s Day at the Tranzit House. The program included a roundtable discussion on “What kinds of work? Which woman?” with the participation of activists and academics, including senior and junior scholars, book presentations, an exhibition and a spectacle entitled “Wondering Woman”. muncile femeilor 2003

muncile femeilor

Until violence stops, 2004

Celebrating International Women’s Day at the Tranzit House. Co-organized with Artemis Centre against Violence against Women. Included a roundtable discussion on sexuality and power, a lecture on nationalism and violence against women, and fragments from the film Vagina monologues followed by discussions.


Feminist nights, 2005

A series of events organized in Tranzit House by gender studies graduates coordinated by Foundation Desire, including film screenings followed by discussions.

Because you are a woman, 2007

Campaing for recognizing women’s rights and their right to be different, but as well as differences and inequalities between women of different ages, ethnicity and social status, while affirming the need to assure equality for all. The created poster and brochure were broadly disseminated across the city of Cluj. DESIRE_AFIS; DESIRE_pentru_ca_esti_femeie

pentru ca esti femeie afis

Roma women for dignity, 2008-2011

Materials (posters and brochures) produced and promoted for the recognition of Romani women’s rights and of Roma women as actors of social change fighting for dignity, social justice, decent work, self-esteem and elimination of stereotypes.

These materials were produced within the project “Equality through difference. Roma women’s access to the labor market” coordinated by Roma Women’s Association ‘For Our Children’ in cooperation with Foundation Desire and other organizations. Foundation Desire assured the production of these materials. Besides promoting the project’s main messages, the brochures also were means for disseminating the yearly project results. pliant anul1, pliant anul 2, pliant anul 3