TEA (2023)

Transnational Citizen Assembly for Housing Justice in Cluj – Romania 

The Assembly will gather activists/experts of the housing crisis and struggles and tenants of Cluj, mostly students and some young adult inhabitants of Pata Rât. The activists invited to our event are committed to social public housing and/or tenant organizing since the local housing movement from Cluj focuses mostly on these aspects of the housing question.

11 June 2023
Tranzit House

11.00–11.30: Opening the Assembly

11.30–14.00: Introductory speeches about the manifestations of housing crisis and struggles in cities from Europe
(language: English with simultaneous Romanian translation)

During the introductory session, the participating local citizens are invited to take inspiration from the speakers and  note the housing issues they experience, or answer the question: do I have the same issues as the speakers share? These ideas will be recorded on individual post-its provided by the organisers.

14.00–15.00: Lunch break

15.00–16.00: Work in small groups
(language: Romanian, person-to-person translation will be assured for the foreign guests)

The participants will be split into 7 groups (the invited guests, supported, in case, by translators, will join one of these groups and take care of organizing its activities). Each participant brings their individual post-it written in the introductory session to be used in the collective work. 

The groups will discuss four questions:
– the housing problems in Cluj,
– the causes of these problems,
– proposed solutions,
– proposals for common actions: what should people do in Cluj together to solve these problems.

Each group will place their commonly developed ideas around the four questions on the group billboards. As a result, we will have 7 collective billboards to be used in the next session of the Assembly.

16.00–17.00: Sharing the group results in the Assembly
(language: Romanian with simultaneous English translation)

The working groups present to each other their ideas around the four addressed questions using the collective billboards. Each group will delegate a person to the committee that will make the concluding work for the last section of the event.

17.00–17.30: Coffee break 

Meanwhile, the Working Groups Committee will compile together the answers to the four questions on the basis of the collective billboard materials, so a skeleton of the Cluj Manifesto for Housing Justice will result, developed around these four issues. 

17.30–18.30: Concluding work in the Assembly
(language: Romanian with simultaneous English translation)

The Working Groups Committee  will present  to the whole Assembly a draft of the Cluj Manifesto for Housing Justice, structured under the four questions discussed by the citizens. All participants are invited to provide  feedback on this draft, comments, additional thoughts, further ideas, which will be noted by the facilitators.  

After the Assembly Day 
The project staff, together with the facilitators will finalize the Cluj Manifesto for Housing Justice. A flyer will be produced with the text and will be distributed to the participants and around the city.

About the TEA project
TransEuropa Assemblies is a series of innovative citizens assemblies taking place in 7 countries, involving participants from over 15 countries in deliberation of their priorities for the European elections in 2024. These assemblies engage  groups that are least likely to participate in the elections, including women, young people, racialised minorities including Roma and Sinti, unemployed people and people without further education. The assemblies have six themes: health rights, civil liberties, rights at work, environment, housing, and gender related rights. The recommendations will be used to influence the European election manifestos of the political parties, thereby working to at once Europeanise the elections and to make the elections more pertinent to the concerns of everyday citizens.